TerrazzaMC Brush

The TerrazzaMC brush

Developed in Belgium by Terrazza MC to be an ‘ecologically friendly’ indoor and outdoor cleaning concept for vertical and horizontal surfaces.

For the maintenance of cobblestone, natural stone, wood, bricks, rubber floors, removing cement film, weeds, etc. An original unique patented brush with long bristles for cleaning grooves, the short bristles brush the surface at the same time.

The combination of the dirt (in the grooves and on the surface) with water generates an ecological footprint and sustainability. So no use of detergents or environmentally unfriendly chemicals.

  • Low amounts of water (all kinds), low noise and low energy use = low CO2 exhaust.
  • Less cleaning due to no damage to the surface.
  • Economic Impact / Profitability


    • Less frequent cleaning required due to no damage to the surface
    • No use of expensive detergents or chemicals
    • Combination of weed control and cleaning at the same time

Click here to find out about the TerrazzaMC brush system